Monday, May 14, 2012

Fare thee well, my ferry fey

So, the Duke Point ferry terminal is up and running again at last, after, what, 4 months, and $2 million or so in repairs, and all, I hear, because of a relatively inexpensive electronic component.  Ad nauseam, we are the hapless hostages of technology.  But I have, once again, come up with a Most Satisfactory Solution.

BC Ferries should fit out all vessels with banks of oars, like the Greek and Roman galleys.  Not as the main power source, you understand, but as a backup in case of engine failure.  Man the oars with able-bodied welfare recipients, of which there is NEVER, EVER a shortage here in Lotusland.  Pay them welfare + 10%, to take care of employment expenses, and a fat cash bonus anytime they actually have to row.  Since they will only be called upon to do any real work on the rarest of occasions, they should be perfectly happy, since that's what they're doing anyway.

Round up the Occupiers and toss them in, too.  They'll love it.  They'll be out of the rain and getting money for nothing, which is all they really want, as far as I can see.  And their parents will then clean and remodel their basements, generating no end of economic activity, and maybe even go on extended vacations, boosting the tourism sector.  The possibilities are endless.  Everybody wins.

Which is why, of course, nothing like this will ever happen.

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