Monday, March 26, 2007

Don't monkey with that

Today’s caveat: Watch out for theistic-evolutionism, an insidious compromising belief system infiltrating the Church in the guise of “harmonizing” faith and science. I recently read The Language of God by Francis S. Collins, director of the Human Genome Project. In spite of the author’s apparent sincerity of faith in Christ, this book is nothing more than soothing pap for those with itching ears. Collins raises no new issues, introduces no new ideas, and, most importantly, produces no new evidence to support his position. He fails to argue convincingly, fails in logic, and uses dishonest tactics. He regards the consensus of the secular academic community as authoritative, but accords no authority to Scripture. This is clear from his consistent willingness to re-interpret or dismiss the latter without any consideration for Biblical scholarship. This book should be recommended reading for those in the Church who do not wish to be ignorant of the devices of Satan, but others should steer clear. A better choice would be Refuting Compromise by Jonathan Sarfati, which lays out the basis for Biblical creationism and demolishes arguments against it.

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