Thursday, March 29, 2007

Road rage

People who drive, at night, with their high-beams on, with traffic around them, should take a sniper bullet in the headlights. And the kneecaps, for good measure. And, after a short pause, the gas tank. There’s nothing like gliding past someone (on the right, because he’s dawdling along in the fast lane, too), then having your eyeballs boiling in their sockets (as you frantically fumble for the mirror-flip-switch, only to find that the side mirror is equally ablaze) for a km or so, until you get far enough ahead, at which point the idiot decides to dim his lights to match his brain. All the fancy technology in cars these days, and still no front- and rear-mounted rocket launchers. No wonder the Big Three are going under.

1 comment:

RockyDil said...

Haha, you really are jaded. 8)